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Beginner Games

Beginner Games

Find the Cookie

Inside or Outside toss a cookie where your dog can see it & tell him to “Find It”
Gradually progress to where your dog can’t easily see it & has to use his nose to “Find
It” You want to tell your dog “Find it” each time, this teaches your pup that, yup there
is something out there keep sniffin’ till you get it! Gradually increase the distance
from the dog to the cookie—as well as the direction you toss it. As your pup gets better
& better @ this game hide the treat under a chair, or in another room (you may have to
use a leash or your crate to keep your anxious pup confined while you hide the treat.
Not only is this a great “brain game” you can also use the basics in the future for
tracking &/or competitive obedience!


I like to start this game off in a hallway, where there is no place to go but back to me.
Have 2 identical toys, toss one to the end of the hallway & watch your happy pup
gallop off after it! No place to go but back to you—1ce your pup gets there you are
going to make a REALLY BIG DEAL out of the toy you have in your hands. It’s like
a trillion dollar toy, the best toy ever invented, the envy of the whole neighborhood!!!
Pretty soon your pup will want the toy you have, as soon as they spit out their toy you
toss your toy down the hall & we repeat. Pretty soon your pup learns to spit their
toy out as they get close to you, when they are “giving” you their toy 85% of the time
you are going to only throw the one toy! Whenever you change locations you will
want to go back a step & have 2 toys to trade & do the magnificent toy dance. Then
you work up to throwing only the one toy. Next thing you know your dog is a
fetching fool! For more exercise (for your dog not you) toss the toy down a hill, or
stairs, or if you have a big safe area for your dog to play take a tennis racket or
baseball bat to that ball Run & Play All Day!!

Hide And Seek

Have a helper hold your dog while you show them a cookie. Go out of sight of your
pup. Have the helper let go of your pup when you call, you could say “Where’s (insert
name here)??” Street Party when your pup finds you!!! On a walk if your pup is
ignoring you duck behind a tree. Peek to see if pup noticed, attract their attention if
they didn’t & street party when they find you!!!

© Big Moose Dog Training–Kristin Sandstede – permission to reprint

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