2016 Client of the Year
A Big Moose CONGRATULATION to Aimee the 2016 Big Moose Dog Training Client of the Year!!!
Aimee & Zeus took their first Big Moose class, Basic Obedience in April of 2015 and enjoyed it so much they have taken five MORE classes!!
BMDT: Let’s hear a little more about you. Tell us more about your dog. Aimee: I have a Siberian Husky named Zeus, who just turned 3. BMDT; How many dogs have you owned in your life? Aimee: 3
BMDT: Do you travel with your dogs? Aimee: Camping!
BMDT: What were your goals when you started with Big Moose Dog Training? Aimee: Originally it was to teach him some simple/basic commands, now I would like to get to do some trick training as well as continue to help him manage his stress so I can take him out in public even more! BMDT: What is your favorite, or new, thing you learned from Big Moose Dog Training? Aimee: I have to choose? Recall tops this list, but for me to learn different training & management techniques….there are so many things we have learned!
BMDT: Where is your dogs’ favorite place to sleep? Aimee: outside, or MY bed
BMDT: Where did you get your dogs? Aimee: From a peer when he was 7 months old.
BMDT: If you could have one training “Do Over” what would it be? Aimee: I am constantly “starting over” on the name game.
BMDT: What is your dog’s favorite toy? Aimee: Squeaky Toys
BMDT: Do your dogs know any fun tricks? Aimee: Yes! Most recently Beg & to hold a toy with his front feet
BMDT: What do you do with your dogs for fun? Aimee: Running & trick training
BMDT: Do you dress Zeus up for the holidays? Aimee: Yes, he was Spiderman for Halloween BMDT: Do you buy him presents for the holidays? Aimee: No